Payment & Shipping
1: It generally takes 1 to 3 business days to process an order and usually 7-10 days for you to receive your product. The shipment is delayed due to some objective or uncontrollable reasons. We will notify our customers of delays in advance.
2: Orders are determined from which warehouse based on the shipping address and item availability. Orders containing multiple items may be shipped from multiple warehouses.
3: During the Holiday season, processing times take longer than usual, and some delays are to be expected.
4: We are not responsible for any shipping deliveries that may be affected by customs duties, delays or loss due to natural disasters, or air and ground transportation strikes or delays.
PowMr Warehouses
PowMr owns 5 warehouses all over the world, you can get the solar products from your location. Please kindly confirm the stock with us before placing an order (if you want to ship from the local warehouse)