Reguladores/Controladores de carga solar

Un regulador de carga solar se pone entre las placas solares y las baterías para controlar el flujo de energía hacia la batería, ajustando los parámetros de Intensidad (I) y Voltaje (V) a los que se inyecta en la batería. Suele haber dos tipos de controlador de carga: controlador de carga MPPT Y controlador de carga PWM.

Accepts Power

The controller takes in power from solar panels.

Controls Power

The controller regulates the amount of power that goes to the battery.

Monitors Voltage

The controller monitors the battery's voltage to prevent overcharging.

Controls flow

The controller only allows power to flow from the solar panels to the batteries.

MPPT Charge Controllers

The MPPT or ‘Maximum Power Point Tracking‘ controls are much more sophisticated than the PWM controllers and allow the solar panel to run at its maximum power point or, more precisely, at the optimum voltage for maximum power output. Using this smart technology, MPPT Solar Charge Controllers can be up to 30% more effective based on the attached solar panel’s voltage and voltage.

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Advantages of MPPT Charge Controllers

MPPT charge controllers convert all the solar electricity voltage possible into useable electricity. They operate at maximum power voltage (Pmp) which is higher than battery voltage. MPPT’s maximum conversion efficiency is ideal in intermittent sun and cloudy conditions, and in cold weather where they boost module output more than in warm weather.

PWM Solar Controllers

PWM controllers operate at battery voltage; are less expensive; and work well in locations where there is consistent, abundant, consistent sunshine, and economics favor installing more panels instead of more costly “balance of system” components. PWM controllers are simpler, smaller, and less expensive than MPPT controllers, and ideal for use in systems where extracting every last watt of electricity possible from a PV array is not a concern.

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Advantages of PWM Charge Controllers

There are indeed instances where a PWM controller can be a better choice than MPPT and there are factors which will reduce or negate the advantages the MPPT may provide. The most obvious consideration is cost. MPPT controllers tend to cost more than their PWM counterparts.

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MPPT vs PWM solar charge controller
Charge Controller

MPPT vs PWM: comparación de controladores de carga y guía del comprador

Un sistema de energía solar generalmente incluye un panel solar o matriz que genera electricidad, un banco de baterías que almacena la electricidad para su uso posterior y un inversor que convierte...